Travel is a pilgrimage of the soul, a sacred journey of self-discovery.”

Your Organizer & Esoteric Guide

My name is Sandy Corcoran. Welcome to the new travel section of my website: Starwalker Visions—Sacred Years of training as an integrative therapist, shamanic mentor, intuitive, Thoth tarot reader, explorer of the arcane and the cosmic have led me to share the magic of travel with those wishing to explore themselves in new surroundings. Each journey offers the alchemy of transformation, consciousness and wonderment.

Over the past 20+ years I’ve led hundreds of pilgrims on journeys to sacred sites to explore the exotic and esoteric. These include Peru, Mexico, Bolivia, UK, France, Italy, Turkey and Egypt. I’ve built alliances with people who have become friends and agents for exceptional and safe travel. I only organize small groups, (6-16 people), depending on the location for intimate, rewarding experiences. Once you visit a foreign country and its people, it changes you. The portals you pass through both in the liminal spaces at temple sites, shrines, or hallowed places, and perceive and receive that awareness within, your soul’s earth-bound experience is enhanced and changed.

Why travel with me?

The intention of all my journeys is awareness. Yearly I offer a new destination and include old favorites. We are all initiates in this life. For both personal and global evolution, these new timelines require us to open to new ways of perceiving ourselves and engaging in the world/s in and around us. Journeys stimulate your curiosity, awaken your Starwalker memory, and enhance what you’ve forgotten, the magic in YOU.

What is the intended purpose of sacred travel?

In Egypt, initiates were taught to embody heka (personal magic or power) and ma’at (truth or sacred values). The Andean Mystical Tradition trained future paqos in the capacity to align kanay (the power you really are as a drop of the Mystery) and qaway (the capacity of clear seeing). In the Goddess Mystery Traditions—from ancient pagan Earth based sites to holy shrines—She teaches us to recognize the Christed-Consciousness of the Feminine in all things, and to attune to Nature’s cycles of birth, life, death, stillness, and rebirth for our own sovereignty during this Earthwalk.

Old Favorites:

France, Turkey, Egypt

France, Damanhur, Greece, Peru

Click Year

To inquire about any of these life-changing travel experiences:

Contact Sandy

To learn about Sandy’s other services visit:

Homeopathic Travel Kits: Pamela Gormley, CiHom, CFEP, HHP, MSN, RN: